Monday, April 27, 2009

Less stress more fun!! Yaaaaayyyy!!!!

Nigie is doing good. She laid 2 eggs and has not laid anymore. This is not normal, but being her first time and the stress that went with it, there is no real normal. I am so glad my fun loving birdy is back.

Mom got the backing for the guest room faux headboard done. I love it. It is a tad smaller than the bed, but it is good enough. Plus it is birds how can you not love it??!!
This week I have been planning my vacation at the end of the month. I LOVE planning vacations. It is 2 of my favorite things, planning and vacation! I got to go to Coeur D'Alene for the first time this week. It is a cute town. I loved the old shops by the resort. I found this cute toy store that reminded me of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. While we were in the parking lot I saw 3 things that I have always wanted to do. There was a scenic flight, parasailing, and jetski rentals. I think I am going to have to save up some money and go next summer. One of the places we went to had a tear drop camper on display. I have wanted one of those for a few years now. I think they are cute and just the right size for Nigel and I. This one was $14,000. It was very retro looking but I have heard that you can get them for a lot less than that........someday. It was nice to get out of town even if only for the day.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The shock of a life time.

WHERE IS BOREDOM!? WHERE IS PEACE!? I feel like every week there is a new crisis, happening, or something. This week was the biggest. Tuesday night (about 11) Nigel was playing in his favorite drawer. He had a hard time getting out. When he got on top of his cage I noticed that his bottom was really swollen and he was pushing hard. This freaked me out. I called an emergency vet here in town and asked if they had a avian vet. She said they did and I rushed Nigel there. When I got there they told me they don't treat birds. I told them that I had just called and she said "Oh I thought you said evening vet". I lost it, I was stressed anyway and had hit every red light in town, now she tells me that. Thankfully I was too upset to say what I was thinking which was "if you are a 24 hour emergency vet, why would I ask if you had an evening vet"? They told me about a place in Post Falls which was about 20-30 min. away. I took off. There were many prayers said on that drive. We made it there and they took Nigel back (notice I only said Nigel). Finally the Dr. (who was not an avian vet but at least she was willing to look at him) came out and said that he would need a x-ray and a blood test. After quite a wait she said the x-rays looked good. She found a couple things amiss with his blood work but nothing that screamed to her. She thought that Nigel might have a infection and some diarrhea so she gave us antibiotics with vitamins and something to help his digestive tract. We finally got home at 3 am.

Later that day I called an avian vet and was able to get Nigel in today (Thursday). Over the day+ in between he was not getting any better, actually it looked about the same if not a tad bit worse. I got off work early today and we went to the vet. The ride there was pretty unadventurous. I noticed at one point Nigel moved from the side of his travel hut to the center but did not think a lot about it. While at the vet's office waiting for our turn to go back I noticed that one of Nigel's toes was up at a weird angle. I reached in and felt something under the towel that I had in the bottom of it. I knew I had not put toys in there and could not figure out what it could be. I lifted up the edge of the towel and found an egg! I was in shock and said "Wow, this is new". The front desk lady looked at me and I picked up the egg and showed it to her. I then looked at Nigel and said "no wonder you felt bad, welcome to the worst club on Earth". The rest of the vet visit went very smoothly now that the problem has been identified he did a few checks on her and that was about it. He did say that Nigel was a little on the skinny side. He....she eats like a horse I don't know how she metabolizes it so fast (wish I did though). Thankfully that huge stress is over. Thanks to Jerry starting about 2 years ago I know what to watch for now and what will happen. Hopefully now it will be the first good nights sleep in 2 nights.....for both of us. They are not fertile so there will be no babies.

And as for her name.....I am leaving it as Nigel. I mentioned to one of the vet tech's that I did not know how to make Nigel into a female name. She said you don't, she answers to Nigel, and she does not know it is a male name. I agree. I will probably call her Nigie more often now. I have called her that for a while but it does sound a bit more feminine.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The white nightmare has returned!

It hailed, snowed, and rained yesterday. The rain snow mix was actually kinda cool. The drops and flakes were huge. What was not cool was waking up this morning and seeing that all-to-familiar glow from behind the mini-blinds. I had to look, it is kinda like looking at an accident scene. You know it is not going to be good but you cant fight the need to see it. There it was about 3 inches. I am not even going to post a picture of it. I have posted way too many of them. Oh and as I sit here and watch last nights news the weather man says that we are supposed to get more rain and snow today. Yippee! I miss my beautiful desert, brownness and all.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

What a great week....finally!

This has been quite the week. Last Sunday I started a wonderful weekend with a bit of a scare. I woke up and found a large lump on my face. This is an artists rendition (OK it is actually just a drawing I did on paint). I did not want a picture of it so this is good enough to get the point across. Anyway I tried not to let it freak me out but by Friday it was starting to get to me because it had not gotten any better. I HATE medical things. I did not know if it was one of those deep pimples, a big bite, or some kind of growth. Of course I was NOT going to go to the doctor, if I wait it out it will be OK. Messed up logic I know but lets go back to that statement "I HATE medical things". I decided to get online and look up bug bites. They said that it can take 7-10 days to "start to heal". Good enough for me I still have a few days. Saturday morning I got up and it had not changed. I got in the shower and when I got out I noticed that it was darker red in the center and quite a bit smaller. I don't know what happened in that few minuets I was in there but I don't care. Some of the people at work think it lanced its self. Either way it is now about 1/2 the size it was and seems to be healing much to my relief.

From there my week just got better. Saturday towards the end of work a delivery guy came in. One of my co-workers called me over and said it was for me. Me? Who would send me something and why? It was one of those edible arrangements that I love. On the card it said "Happy Easter. Mom, Dad, and Jerry (their bird). Yes in our family the birds are always included in cards, gifts, and such. Anyway I was very excited and it really made my day. Plus they are SO Yummy!!

The final excitement came this morning while trying to figure out what I was going to wear to church. I picked out a black shirt and skirt which I didn't think much about but being Easter I decided it was not very bright and cheerful. In my closet is a suit jacket that I loved the first time I saw it, it was even on sale......the problem is it did not fit. I did not care, I bought it, and it has sat in my closet for the last few years. Someday I thought it might fit. I don't know what made me do it but I pulled it out this morning (still with the tags on it) and tried it on. What was was not tight across my shoulders and I could button it!!! I was so excited I put the other outfit back in the closet and wore this to church for its debut. It made me feel so good that I almost did not care that I was getting my 3rd calling today and it was one that I was not happy about (single adult rep.). I mentioned it to a couple people at church, they were both women, and both understood my joy. I think it is one of those simple things in life that can make your day.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sigh....I think that says it all.

I woke up about 7 this morning to see a weird glow coming from behind the blinds in my room. I looked out and saw.....

There was no snow when I went to bed last night. It had snowed part of the day but had quit long before then. I guess this is a good reason to stay home today and get some stuff done.

A while back I blogged about my car being broken into. It is finally over. The car came back from the repair shop a few weeks ago. I tried to get the insurance to cover it. They found a loop hole that made it so that they would not have to pay a dime. Because of a $40 repair to the body they (the main company) were going to raise my deductible to $500. I called my agent (Sarah) and said this was a joke and she agreed. She said she would make a call. Next thing I know the rep from the company was calling and said that "it was only right" (no kidding) that they give me the $100 glass deductible and not the $500 body deductible. I about passed out that the insurance company was going to do what was right and fair. I should be getting a $200 chinck in the mail in the next few days. Thank you Sarah at Bain Insurance!