Sunday, April 12, 2009

What a great week....finally!

This has been quite the week. Last Sunday I started a wonderful weekend with a bit of a scare. I woke up and found a large lump on my face. This is an artists rendition (OK it is actually just a drawing I did on paint). I did not want a picture of it so this is good enough to get the point across. Anyway I tried not to let it freak me out but by Friday it was starting to get to me because it had not gotten any better. I HATE medical things. I did not know if it was one of those deep pimples, a big bite, or some kind of growth. Of course I was NOT going to go to the doctor, if I wait it out it will be OK. Messed up logic I know but lets go back to that statement "I HATE medical things". I decided to get online and look up bug bites. They said that it can take 7-10 days to "start to heal". Good enough for me I still have a few days. Saturday morning I got up and it had not changed. I got in the shower and when I got out I noticed that it was darker red in the center and quite a bit smaller. I don't know what happened in that few minuets I was in there but I don't care. Some of the people at work think it lanced its self. Either way it is now about 1/2 the size it was and seems to be healing much to my relief.

From there my week just got better. Saturday towards the end of work a delivery guy came in. One of my co-workers called me over and said it was for me. Me? Who would send me something and why? It was one of those edible arrangements that I love. On the card it said "Happy Easter. Mom, Dad, and Jerry (their bird). Yes in our family the birds are always included in cards, gifts, and such. Anyway I was very excited and it really made my day. Plus they are SO Yummy!!

The final excitement came this morning while trying to figure out what I was going to wear to church. I picked out a black shirt and skirt which I didn't think much about but being Easter I decided it was not very bright and cheerful. In my closet is a suit jacket that I loved the first time I saw it, it was even on sale......the problem is it did not fit. I did not care, I bought it, and it has sat in my closet for the last few years. Someday I thought it might fit. I don't know what made me do it but I pulled it out this morning (still with the tags on it) and tried it on. What was was not tight across my shoulders and I could button it!!! I was so excited I put the other outfit back in the closet and wore this to church for its debut. It made me feel so good that I almost did not care that I was getting my 3rd calling today and it was one that I was not happy about (single adult rep.). I mentioned it to a couple people at church, they were both women, and both understood my joy. I think it is one of those simple things in life that can make your day.

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