Later that day I called an avian vet and was able to get Nigel in today (Thursday). Over the day+ in between he was not getting any better, actually it looked about the same if not a tad bit worse. I got off work early today and we went to the vet. The ride there was pretty unadventurous. I noticed at one point Nigel moved from the side of his travel hut to the center but did not think a lot about it. While at the vet's office waiting for our turn to go back I noticed that one of Nigel's toes was up at a weird angle. I reached in and felt something under the towel that I had in the bottom of it. I knew I had not put toys in there and could not figure out what it could be. I lifted up the edge of the towel and found an egg!
I was in shock and said "Wow, this is new". The front desk lady looked at me and I picked up the egg and showed it to her. I then looked at Nigel and said "no wonder you felt bad, welcome to the worst club on Earth". The rest of the vet visit went very smoothly now that the problem has been identified he did a few checks on her and that was about it. He did say that Nigel was a little on the skinny side. He....she eats like a horse I don't know how she metabolizes it so fast (wish I did though). Thankfully that huge stress is over. Thanks to Jerry starting about 2 years ago I know what to watch for now and what will happen. Hopefully now it will be the first good nights sleep in 2 nights.....for both of us. They are not fertile so there will be no babies.

And as for her name.....I am leaving it as Nigel. I mentioned to one of the vet tech's that I did not know how to make Nigel into a female name. She said you don't, she answers to Nigel, and she does not know it is a male name. I agree. I will probably call her Nigie more often now. I have called her that for a while but it does sound a bit more feminine.
Wow, that is a shocker. How did you not know the bird was a girl and now come there will be no babies? Please keep in mind I have never been around a bird, just dogs and their easy to tell on.
ReplyDeleteThat is fine most people dont, it has surprised me but it has been fun to teach them. Birds have no external "parts". You have to have to a blood test to find out what their gender is based on hormones. The eggs are not ferilized so there will be no babies, just like the chicken eggs that you eat.
ReplyDeleteOh Steph you hear about that happening all the time but to have it happen to you! CRAZY!!!