I am sitting here watching "What about Bob?". I have seen it MANY times but it still cracks me up! This week has been my I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful week. Not only does the calender say it is spring but the weather has decided to follow. We did not break the snow record (which I guess technically there is still time) but I am fine with that considering the change in the weather (sorry weatherman). It has rained like crazy but it has been warm. It has been so warm that I was able to drive home the last 2 nights with my windows down. This is a "wonderful" event for 2 reasons. Not only does that mean that it has been warm but my car is fixed. The drivers side window has not worked for months. This may seem like it is not a big deal but think of how often you roll down your window....the bank, fast food, talk to someone, etc. They also fixed the back window that someone felt the need to break out.
I was sick with a head cold on my day off but I decided that I had to do something. On top of being sick and a little weak I think I must have also had some gunk in my brain because I decided to lug boxes of books up from the basement and sort through them. While going through the books I found my old high school Physics book. That next year they were getting new ones and told us we could keep them. I loved Physics so I kept it. It still had the paper bag cover on it with all my teenage scribbles. When I took that off to put it in the sell pile I saw something that stopped me dead in my tracks.
Shelly Gale is one of my best friends. As you can see Shelly and I were not in high school at the same time. I knew of her because she was one of my friends sister, but I did not know her. We met again many years later and have since become friends. I know it is not an Earth shattering thing to find but it was surprising. It put a smile on my face. At the beginning of this week one of the ladies at work and I went out to breakfast and went shopping. Sheri's birthday is the 2nd of Feb. and mine is the 14th. We wanted to go celebrate but things kept happening and we did not get to it until this week. There is a antique place on Ruby that has a bunch of metalwork outside the buildings, they are going out of business so everything was 1/2 off. They have everything from fencing, to sculptures. They once had about a 9 foot tall chicken. I wanted it so bad, I would have put it out in the front yard. Anyway I found a few things there that I could put to good use. My front steps have no rail on the side right by the door. I have been waiting for the day that I back off the edge and fall on the grass below. Knowing my luck even though it is only 3 steps high I would probably would have broke at least one bone. I loved this piece. I know it will not support any weight but at least if you step too far back it will touch you and warn you. 
I also found a cool room divider that I am going to make into a faux headboard for the guest room. I got and incredible price on it and loved it. 

Of course it has birdies on it.
Now that the cold has gone away, the rain is washing the allergens out of the air, and I have dealt with the the car and books....I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful.
Looky there, my signature has been immortalized. :-) Too bad spring didn't last for you.