At the beginning of this week one of the ladies at work and I went out to breakfast and went shopping. Sheri's birthday is the 2nd of Feb. and mine is the 14th. We wanted to go celebrate but things kept happening and we did not get to it until this week. There is a antique place on Ruby that has a bunch of metalwork outside the buildings, they are going out of business so everything was 1/2 off. They have everything from fencing, to sculptures. They once had about a 9 foot tall chicken. I wanted it so bad, I would have put it out in the front yard. Anyway I found a few things there that I could put to good use. My front steps have no rail on the side right by the door. I have been waiting for the day that I back off the edge and fall on the grass below. Knowing my luck even though it is only 3 steps high I would probably would have broke at least one bone. I loved this piece. I know it will not support any weight but at least if you step too far back it will touch you and warn you.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
"I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful!"
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The good, the bad, and the silly
In case there is any question left, I really do hate snow. Especially on my day off. I blame the snow on the weather man that I watch. He seems really focused on beating the record set in the winter of 1949-50. I don't know if that will make him a better weather man, get a bigger paycheck, or if he is just a nut. Last I heard we were 9.5 inches from the record. Thankfully the measurements are taken out at the airport and they seem to get more snow than I do up here. Hopefully this gets him closer to his goal and we can be done with it. Last night when I got home (before the snow) there was almost no snow left in my back yard.....not so much anymore.
I just had to put this in here because sometimes a nutty bird helps you forget the stupid snow.