I cannot believe it has been 2 months since I bought the car and since I have posted anything on here. Nothing/everything has been going on. I have been able to go home for a weekend which was nice but way to short. I am now getting excited and geared up for my trip to Utah at the end of the month. Kaytee the last of the kids is getting baptised. I can't believe how old they are. I guess that means I am getting old too.
Today we had a crazy wind storm. Of course I lost huge branches out of those stupid trees in my yard. I wish my landlord could read this blog, he owes me for all the green bucket fees I have to pay because of his half dead trees he wont let me take down. We can get green garbage cans here that are for yard waste only. They are huge and nice to have but like most things in life they cost. Sigh..........lesson to all kids sometimes even being an adult is not fair and sucks. On the good end of this storm was the really cool double rainbow we had. I tried to get some pictures of it before it disappeared. This was the best I got.

The second rainbow is off to the left it is kinda faint but you can just see it. I still think it is cool. This made me realize that I really want to learn how to photograph weather. I would have loved for these to have looked like they did in real life. I also tried photographing lightening the other night and got nothing but black pictures. Thank goodness for digital photography. That would have been an expensive adventure.